Saturday, May 19, 2007


Is there something that remains after death? One of the struggles of all spiritual traditions through the ages. What is that something? The question begs another - what are we, really? Am I this body? Am I "mind"? Am I "brain"? Am I a collection of cells? Where does the "spirit" reside? Is it "real"? What role does intention play? How do we interact with the "world" - with "others"? What is this "world"?

Unless we can answer these questions, how can we possibly answer whether "we" survive beyond the disintegration of this "body"?


Acuarius said...


Druidia said...

Muchas gracias por tu luz, Acuarius. (Y perdona mi castellano pobre). Donde vives? Estoy trasladando a Sevilla en Abril.