Sunday, December 03, 2006

Angry comedy

Maybe because I'm pissed off and in a dark mood, but I've recently discovered an artist who speaks to my soul - the late Bill Hicks. Never before had I heard of him...not surprisingly, 'cause the guy rants against the man. See for more info.

Just a teaser here:

"Hey buddy, my daddy died for that flag."

"Really? I bought mine. Yeah, they sell them at K-Mart and shit."

"He died in the Korean War."

"Wow, what a coincidence. Mine was made in Korea."

No one – and I repeat, no one – has ever died for a flag. See, a flag … is just a piece of cloth. They may have died for freedom, which is also the freedom to burn the fucking flag, see. That's freedom.

OK, one more:

"Wouldn't you like to see a positive LSD story on the news? To hear what it's all about, perhaps? Wouldn't that be interesting? Just for once? Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed through a slow vibration, we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, life is only a dream and we are the imaginations of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

Thanks Bill, whereever you are!

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